Sunday, July 27, 2014

Applying for a Travel Grant

I love to travel.  I have lived in Alabama my entire life.  There are certain places on this Earth I dream of traveling and exploring.  I want to learn hands on how to create art from around the world.  Being a teacher has a unique advantage.  There is nothing like learning from other art teachers, exploring new mediums and lesson ideas for yourself and your students, traveling to learn about new cultures, and bringing that back to share with learners in the classroom.  These experiences can be translated into learning opportunities for students of any age.  Money has always been the main reason I "can't" travel.  It has held me back from many opportunities.

One day a couple years ago, I was reading a SchoolArts Magazine online and saw an ad for Crizmac Travel, which was professional development opportunities for art teachers.  Of course my eyebrows raised and I immediately did an internet search.  I was excited to learn about the wonderful resources Crizmac had to offer, but reading further about their travel adventures was the very thing I knew I wanted to do.  I can't tell you how many times I read all the information on the site, but kept talking myself out of it for one reason or another.  During this time, I was already in the process of thinking about starting the National Boards process for Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood Art certification.  I decided to put off thinking about going on the Crizmac trip until the following summer.  So flash forward a few months and I was knee deep in working on my boards.  I heard about a travel grant for all teachers that would help me pay for this workshop and expenses. However, the deadline was approaching for sending in the proposal.  At the time I was hitting a wall with how to really find my "voice" in writing for my boards.  If you've ever done this sort of writing, you know what I am talking about.  It is hard to really look at yourself and your teaching under a microscope.  It is hard to self-assess sometimes too.

Long story short, the writing for the proposal for this Fund for Teachers grant REALLY helped me write for my boards.  I was very glad I applied during this process, because it forced me to write out of my comfort zone (fingers still crossed for the decision of my boards results!)  While I was waiting for the results, I contacted Stevie Mack, the owner of Crizmac, out of Tucson.  I immediately let her know I wanted to be a part of the International Folk Art Extravaganza travel trip they were leading in July.  I told her about the grant and would keep her informed with info as soon as I got it.  She was so sweet and accommodating to help me get everything situated as I waited for the results.

After more waiting, I finally got a letter stating I received the grant. I was so elated at my news!  I attended a meeting at The APT (Alabama Public Television) office here in Birmingham, where the Fund for Teachers representatives were meeting with all their knew grant "fellows." APT helps Fund for Teachers (FFT) distribute these grant funds to teachers in our state.  There are grants given out to several other states in the US.  We are VERY fortunate to have this opportunity to apply for such a generous and life changing grant.  I plan on applying for another as soon as my 3 year waiting period is over!  APT and FFT provided great goodies for us and a fantastic catered lunch, while we listened to past fellows talk about their experiences with their travel grants. I felt very fortunate and honored to be a part of this group of people.  I left felt very inspired and ready to get started!

I am including below the link for Fund for Teachers.  ALL teachers should apply.  They give you complete freedom to orchestrate an entire educational experience of your choice up to $5000. You can even apply as a team with someone else! I hear teachers saying all the time they wish they had money to travel to learn about other cultures, customs, or countries.  YOU SHOULD APPLY.
Here is the link!:

Also, whether you teachers know it or not, PBS/APT really has an online treasure trove of resources for all teachers. Here is a line for Alabama teachers to learn about what is available on their website.

This is the website for Crizmac and their travel opportunities.

This is the link for SchoolArts Magazine, which is put out by Stevie's seminar partner Nancy Walkup.  I have been reading this magazine for years and it was so great to meet her.  They are both so delightful.  I plan on writing an article soon!

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